Config File /etc/etc/php7.0etc/apache2etc/
daemon fastcgi
web server mem useps aux | grep -E 'apache|php|mysql' | awk '{total +=$6} END {print total}'
FastCGIThe package libapache2-mod-fastcgi impliments FastCGI which is a module that allows Apache to use an external script interperter. Remember PHP is normally interpreted by Apache natively with the default libapache2-mod-php module enabled.
php7.0-fpmFor apache2 to use FastCGi to interpret pho, the daemon php7.0-fpm must be running. The php7.0-fpm is the actual interperter of php7.0 when FastCGI is enabled for Apache2.
sudo apt install libapache2-mod-fastcgi php7.0-fpm
Event MPMapache2-mpm-event. It makes Apache2 do a handful of processes that do threads for each web server request. Prefork just forks multiple processes to handle each request. Since 16.04 is installed by default when LAMP is installed.
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